Health Delivered accepted into ANDHealth 2018 cohort

Health Delivered is one of five digital health companies announced as the successful applicants for ANDHealth+ 2018, Australia’s only mid-stage digital health, market and investment readiness program

Health Delivered is one of five digital health companies announced as the successful applicants for ANDHealth+ 2018, Australia’s only mid-stage digital health, market and investment readiness program

Read the full article here.

Pete Saunders interviewed by Ideas Hoist

Pete Saunders interviewed by Ideas Hoist

Pete Saunders is a digital and brand strategist with expertise in visual communication.

Pete is the co-founder/CEO of Health Delivered, leading a small team in building a platform to help dietitians manage at-risk Australians. Recently he represented Australia at Pitch@Palace Global, showcasing Australian innovation at St James Palace in the UK and won the Pausefest Pitchfest!

Read the full article here.

AIIA Victoria iAwards winners unveil Australian innovation

Health Delivered wins a Merit Award for Start Up of the Year at the 2018 AIIA Victoria iAwards


Entrants competed in five core award categories comprising Business Services, Community Services, Consumer Markets, Industrial & Primary Services, and Public Sector & Government. Entrants have also been successfully recognised for additional contributions – as Startup of the Year, Research & Development Project of the Year, Infrastructure and Platform Innovation of the Year, Big Data Innovation of the Year and Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning Innovation of the Year. An independent panel of 90 judges from across industry, government and academia selected by the AIIA judged all nominations.

Read the full release here.

Trajan invests in Health Delivered - promoting pathways to better nutrition

Trajan Scientific and Medical (Trajan) has invested in Health Delivered, an experienced team in dietetics, consumer health and digital platforms.

Trajan Scientific and Medical (Trajan) has invested in Health Delivered, an experienced team in dietetics, consumer health and digital platforms.

Pete Saunders (CEO, Health Delivered) says “The partnership between Trajan and Health Delivered demonstrates confidence in the team and the potential of our digital platform to transform human health. We value the business and management expertise that Trajan brings to the partnership, along with access to their global infrastructure. We have a shared vision of improving health and outcomes through dietary management.”

Read the full article here.

Pete Saunders interviewed by Ideas Hoist

Pete Saunders interviewed by Ideas Hoist

Pete Saunders is a digital and brand strategist with expertise in visual communication.

Pete is the co-founder/CEO of Health Delivered, leading a small team in building a platform to help dietitians manage at-risk Australians. Recently he represented Australia at Pitch@Palace Global, showcasing Australian innovation at St James Palace in the UK and won the Pausefest Pitchfest!

Read the full article here.

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Health Delivered accepted into ANDHealth 2018 cohort

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